All posts by ehendrix

Alumni Weekend 2020

It’s hard to believe almost a year has passed since the 2019 Alumni Weekend/Golf Tournament. The golf outing was one of the best I can remember, with over 80 alumni gathered to play golf, share stories and enjoy the fellowship of brotherhood spanning six decades of EI Pikes. I look forward to this year’s event, and want to share with you some information regarding it.

Although many alumni come down the Friday before the golf tournament, this year’s Alumni Weekend will officially begin on Saturday, April 25 with our golf tournament. Once again, the tournament will be held at Dalhousie Golf Club, located at 4700 Cord’s Way, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. For more information about the golf course, please visit Dalhousie’s website at

The format for the tournament is 4-man scramble, with a shotgun start at 12:30. Lunch will be provided at the pavilion at 11:30. A variety of beverages will be provided as well – thank you to Brother Mike Kohlfeld and the Brothers Patterson! The tournament field is limited to 80 golfers (20 teams), so please don’t delay in signing up.

You may register yourself or your team for the tournament by visiting event caddy at…/2020-pike-alumni-tournament. Once in the site, payment instructions are provided. Or, if you prefer you may send your payment to Mark Zieres, at 1719 Potomac Pl, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. Mark and Robbie Guard are chairing the golf tournament again this year. Feel free to reach out to either of them or me via email with any questions you may have. Robbie Guard; Mark Zieres; David Jones
If golf is not your thing, please join us at Dogwood Social House following the golf tournament around 6:30. If you have never been there, you will be amazed. Dogwood is located at 80 South Plaza Way, Cape Girardeau, MO 63703.

I look forward to seeing you on April 24 and 25.
Fraternally – David Jones

The Pike and Friends Christmas Get Together

Seasons Greetings ,
The Pike and Friends Christmas Get Together this year is on Wednesday December 11th at 6:00pm
Brick House Tavern and Tap.
2 McBride and Son Center
Chesterfield, MO 63005

We had over 60 in attendance last year and a great time was had by the Pike’s and Friends.
Hope to see you this year 👍

Contact Karl Ritter for more details.

Alumni Weekend 2019 – Golf and Social – April 27th


We are excited to announce a couple of changes to the Alumni Weekend format. First, we are proud to announce that we will have the tournament at Dalhousie Golf Club the afternoon of April 27th. There has been a lot of interest in Dalhousie through the years and even this early in the year, that course will be in great shape. You may not know that the Golf Pro, Course Superintendent and the Pro Shop Manager are all Pikes! We chose the afternoon, to allow our brothers from St. Louis time to get down to Cape and only have to commit one ‘over’ night to the event.

We are also doing the Alumni Happy Hour after golf, this year. Friday night attendance has been low, and we understand how difficult it is for out of towners to make it to Cape for Happy Hour. Therefore, we are doing Saturday night at a new venue in Cape called the Dogwood Social House. We think have a scheduled event Saturday night will also allow brothers from all eras to socialize and enjoy the evening all together at one venue.

Please make sure to forward to all of our brothers!

To sign up please click on the link below.


Hope to see you there if you have any questions contact

Mark Zieres @

or myself at the below information.

Robbie Guard

573.334.7811 phone
573.450.3396 cell

2019 Annual EIAA Business Meeting – Moved

Hey All,

We decided to move the Annual Business Meeting from Feb 2nd to Alumni Weekend in Cape.   We have always historically had this meeting in St. Louis and it limited the attendees to those in St. Louis.

This year we’ll move it to Cape and probably rotate between Cape and St. Louis going forward.

Hope to see everyone at Alumni Weekend in April.   More details coming soon.

Epsilon Iota 60th Anniversary @ SEMO – October 12th & 13th

Make plans now to attend this big anniversary for Epsilon Iota.  This is our 60th year on campus and the longest running fraternity in SEMO history.

October 12th

Friday @ 5:30pm Alumni Cocktail Party at The Mansion (New Pike House).  Beverages Included.

October 13th

Saturday @9am – Homecoming Parade Tailgate Party, Prime location right in front of Houck Stadium. Beverages Included.

Formal Dinner at Cape Country Club @7pm – $50 per person