EIAA Alumni Weekend 2015 – April 24th and 25th

Schedule of Events:

Friday Night Happy Hour
Kellers at the Casino 6:00 PM till ?
Appetizers Provided by EIAA
Mock up of the Universities new Greek
Village will be available to view.

Saturday Golf Tournament
Cape Girardeau Country Club
250 Country Club Drive, Cape Girardeau, MO

9 AM Shotgun Start
Four Man Scramble
$60 per man, lunch provided

GOLF Registration:

Pay for your spot in the golf tournament online here. $60 per man.

after you pay Contact Brother Robbie Guard with your team… or if your looking for a team.
or call/text to 573 450 3396

or by mail

Send your check payable to: EIAA
Attn: Vann Sontag
1339 Bent Oak Dr.
Kirkwood, MO 63122

Bel Aire Grill After Golf on Saturday


Association Meeting Minutes

Date/Time: January 31, 2015
Helen Fitzgerald’s Irish Grill
3650 Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis MO

Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Br. E.J. Foreman at 1:20 PM. 

Attendees:   Those in attendance included; VP Br. Brett Kolash, Tres. Vann Sontag, Secretary Karl Ritter, Matt Ramshaw, Kyle Vogt, Gale Wessling, Steve Stoker, Randy Beussink, Kevin Long, Kirby Gartland, Scott Davis, Bryan Kohlberg, Nigt Vogt, Ben Lewis, Jim Mohrman, and Andrew Hardesty.

Officer Reports:

E. J. began his report by announcing that The Epsilon Iota Alumni Association EIAA had again won the Pi Kappa Alpha “Nester Award” for outstanding alumni associations. A plaque given to the association was shown to the group.

He also discussed the upcoming Alumni Weekend scheduled for April 25th, 2015. He added that we are looking for a Cape Girardeau member to head the committee and do the necessary ground work securing the golf venue as well as other activities and their locations.
He added that unlike last year the association will collect funds for participation.

At this time E.J. turned the floor over to Br. Kyle Vogt of House Corporation to discuss the universities latest effort to build a new Greek Housing complex. Vogt informed the group that SEMO is in the planning stage of building a new complex for fraternities (Sororities would remain in the original Greek Housing complex). This new location would be north of the current Greek town, on the west side of Sprigg Street, next to the Shivelbine house which is currently occupied by another fraternity. These units would have approximately twenty-two to twenty-four beds. The university is asking that the occupying organizations commit to a one lease with a cost of ninety to One hundred and ten thousand dollars, paid prior to ground breaking. There was significant discussion on the topic with the consensus being to remain in K building. The decision is ultimately House Corporation’s.

Vice President:

Treasure Vann Sontag informed the group that our current balance is $1200. This sum being prior to the expenditures of today’s meeting. A need for fundraising was discussed and a suggestion that we re-birth he “100 BUCK CLUB” as a potential method to generate funds.
Additionally, there is some concern that the alumni association needs to raise at least five thousand dollars to give to House Corporation for monies collected and deposited for previous lounge improvements and assist with future like needs.


Old Business:
There was no Old Business to report

New Business:
All new business topics were discussed during the above reports.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:15 PM at which time brothers returned to the bar area for more social activities.

Respectfully Submitted,
Karl Ritter EIAA Secretary

Epsilon Iota Annual Alumni Association Meeting

Brothers –

First I want to wish all of you a very happy New Year! It is that time again for our annual meeting. You are all invited to attend this event. We will be running the meeting in the same format we have in years past. We will be discussing the business at hand as well new business including Alumni Weekend. The information for the meeting is below.

When: Saturday, January 31st, 2015 @ 1:00 PM
Where: Helen Fitzgerald’s  @ 3650 South Lindbergh Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63127
Purpose: To discuss Year-to-Date information and upcoming events

There will be a limited number of appetizers and drinks provided during the meeting. The meeting itself should last 1-2 hours but people are welcome to stay after to socialize. We will have written agendas upon arrival but for now here is a brief summary of topics being discussed:

1) House Corps funding from Alumni Association (this includes the lounge funds)
2) Future housing plans for the chapter house
3) Update from active chapter
4) Fundraising opportunities
5) Alumni Weekend

If there are more items anyone wishes to discuss we can certainly do so during the meeting. Thank you all in advance for your participation in the alumni association. We look forward to seeing you all there!


Your Alumni Association Executive Board


Christmas Parties


Alumni Happy Hour 5pm – til

Thursday, December 18th, Country Club Bar and Grill, 141 & Clarkson Rd

Call Eddie Hendrix for Details.


Humberg’s SEMO Pike Alumni Happy Hour

Wednesday, December 10, 2014      –     6 PM til ?

The Corner Bar (3 Pin Bowling)   571 1st Capitol Drive,  St. Charles, MO

Call Chuck for more details 314 629 3155


SEMO Homecoming Follow-Up

Sounds like everyone had a great time at Homecoming this year.   I am very jealous I didn’t attend because I noticed they ACTUALLY WON the homecoming game and have a winning record this year.

Where was that at when I went there….jeez.   I’d love to hear what went well and not so well.

So feel free to comment here.


Homecoming Activities

I wanted you all to be aware of the homecoming festivities and hope that you all can make it out for some of the different events that are being offered.  I’ve also attached a link to the University’s information as well.  


 Here is the schedule of events for SEMO Homecoming Weekend, Friday, October 3rd and Saturday, October 4th, 2014.


Friday, Oct 3rd                        Alumni Cocktail Party

7:30 PM – ?                             Katy O’Farrell’s Pub

                                                300 Broadway (the old N’Orleans Rest.)               

                                                Cape Girardeau MO

Saturday, Oct 4th                   Homecoming Parade Viewing

8:00 AM                                 The Kage House (Br Keith Diebold ’78 house)

                                              120 Broadway, Cape

                                               Corner of Broadway and Spanish


                                               Continental Breakfast and Adult beverages provided.


1:00PM                                   SEMO Football:  SEMO Redhawks (Indians) vs The Tennessee State Tigers

                                               Houck Fieldhouse



6:30 PM                                 Undergraduate Dance          

                                              The Osage Center

                                              1625 North Kingshighway

                                              Cape Girardeau, MO                         

                                              Cocktails at 6:30, Dinner/Dance at 7:00 PM



Also for any of you wanting to meet some of the Undergraduates and check out the float being built you can go to 915 College Hill and see the float or to the parking lot they have rented for Saturday morning where there will be some of them hanging out Friday night which is located at 1018 Broadway. 


The Active Chapter has made huge strides in the last 12 months by increasing their GPA to be in the middle of the pack with the bright spot being the Active and New Member GPA being 3.02, placing 2nd in Intramurals, having 92% campus activity, and having a Fall Pledge class of 27.  I’m also very proud of how the boys have kept the house and continued to improve it on their own. 



In the Bonds,



Robbie Guard

Chapter Advisor